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brain injury
ACUTE INJURIES: A prompt, proactive, and multi-faceted approach to significantly improve outcomes.
PAST INJURIES: Treatment that addresses remnant symptoms and prevents long term physical and emotional damage.​
It is all too common that the breadth of a head injury treatment plan is simply the avoidance of screens/bright lights and the reduction of daily living activities until the major symptoms have resided. This advice grossly overlooks the many modalities and resources that can be employed to lessen or eliminate the immediate and long-term effects of a concussion or traumatic brain injury.
We are passionate about helping those who have sustained a concussion or TBI
heal as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
Regardless of the time lapsed since the injury occurred, full recovery is possible! Unresolved brain trauma can lead to musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, and psychological conditions. Sadly, there is a strong correlation between brain injury and suicide. The importance of comprehensive treatment cannot be overstated.
There are many effective and well-researched approaches to treating brain injury. The following modalities may be employed:​
Hyperbaric Oxygen: This oxidative therapy is the gold-standard in inflammation reduction and rapid brain repair.
Molecular Hydrogen: Hydrogen is an antioxidant, is anti-inflammatory, and therefore significantly reduces oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative therapies and molecular hydrogen work synergistically.
​Craniosacral Therapy: Craniosacral therapy restores mobility to the cranial/spinal bones and three major diaphragms, allowing the cerebrospinal fluid to effectively flow and bring nutrition, energy, and cleansing to the body's trillions of cells.
Mineral Soaking: As our skin is the largest organ, transdermal administration of minerals, especially magnesium, is supportive of brain health and repair.
Nutritional Support: The Omega-3 Protocol for Brain Health, dietary recommendations, select supplements, and/or systemic enzymes will reduce inflammation, strengthen detoxification pathways, and support brain healing and vitality.
Homeopathy: Gentle, energetic remedies are well established in the adjunct treatment of head injury.
Ergonomics Education: Proper spinal alignment while at work or performing activities of daily living will prevent symptom exacerbation and recurrence.
Treatment Duration
Treatment duration will vary greatly depending on the client's progress and circumstances. The goal is full restoration, not simply symptom suppression. As with any deeply transformational process, the path is not easily predictable or linear. Therefore, the time spent in the healing phase will be fluid.​
If you're seeking the most comprehensive care in a residential setting, consider a targeted healing stay at Danny's Place.
Please contact us with questions or to schedule a complimentary discovery call.
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